Welcome Students & Advisors!

Conference Map
Concessions & Dining
Outside on Tallapoosa Street: Potz & Panz and Jennifer’s Food To Go
Chick-Fil-A: Available from 11:00am – 12:30pm inside Exhibit Hall A
Chick-Fil-A Menu:
Chicken Sandwhich: $6.29
Waffle Potato Chips: $2.69
Chocolate Chunk Cookie: $2.15
Bottled Water: $2.89

Advisor Navigator
Advisors: Please sign up in the SLACK app to receive current, up-to-date notifications.
Channel Code: C03KF7G0DU3
The Quest
Health & Safety
Ultimate DECA Member Challenge
Ultimate DECA Member Challenge – Earn DECA stamps by attending the leadership workshops, competition, and the Opening General Session. Earn the Letter D and E by attending the workshops in Alabama Ballrooms D & E, respectively. The letter C can be earned by attending the workshop in Alabama Ballroom C or competing in a competitive event. The letter A will be earned by attending the Opening General Session. Turn in at the Opening General Session for a chance to become the ULTIMATE DECA MEMBER.
20 members will receive an additional 10 “limited edition” special trading pins at ICDC in addition to the 10 Alabama DECA trading pins that come with your registration.
4 members will also receive a $25 gift card.
1 ULTIMATE DECA MEMBER will receive a $100 gift card!
DECA After Dark
Stick around after the Opening General Session to GLOW with DECA! Network with fun games and great music.
Competitive Event Schedule
Competitive Event Schedule
Monday, February 24, 2025
Individual and Teams Role Play Events
Accounting Applications Series (ACT)
Apparel and Accessories Marketing Series (AAM)
Automotive Services Marketing Series (ASM)
Business Finance Series (BFS)
Business Services Marketing Series (BSM)
Business Law and Ethics Team Decision Making (BLTDM)
Buying and Merchandising Team Decision Making (BTDM)
Entrepreneurship Series (ENT)
Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making (ETDM)
Financial Services Team Decision Making (FTDM)
Food Marketing Series (FMS)
Hospitality Services Team Decision Making (HTDM)
Hotel and Lodging Management Series (HLM)
Human Resources Management Series (HRM)
Marketing Management Team Decision Making (MTDM)
Marketing Communications Series (MCS)
Personal Financial Literacy (PFL)
Principles of Business Management and Administration (PBM)
Principles of Finance (PFN)
Principles of Hospitality and Tourism (PHT)
Principles of Marketing (PMK)
Principles of Entrepreneurship (PEN)
Quick Serve Restaurant Management Series (QSRM)
Restaurant and Food Service Management Series (RFSM)
Retail Merchandising Series (RMS)
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Series (SEM)
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Team Decision Making (STDM)
Business Growth Plan (EBG)
Travel and Tourism Team Decision Making (TTDM)
Business Services Operations (BOR)
Written Events and Presentations
Business Solutions Project (PMBS)
Buying and Merchandising Operations (BMOR)
Career Development Project (PMCD)
Community Awareness Project (PMCA)
Community Giving Project (PMCG)
Finance Operations (FOR)
Financial Consulting (FCE)
Financial Literacy Project (PMFL)
Franchise Business Plan (EFB)
Hospitality and Tourism Operations (HOR)
Hospitality and Tourism Professional Selling (HTPS)
Independent Business Plan (EIB)
Integrated Marketing Campaign – EVENT (IMCE)
Integrated Marketing Campaign – PRODUCT (IMCP)
Integrated Marketing Campaign – SERVICE (IMCS)
Innovation Plan (EIP)
International Business Plan (IBP)
Professional Selling (PSE)
Sales Project (PMSP)
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations (SEOR)
Start-Up Business Plan (ESB)
Creating Ultimate Collaboration
Alabama Ballroom E
Monday, February 24
12:15 – 1:00 pm
1:15 – 2:00 pm
2:15 – 3:00 pm
3:15 – 4:00 pm
Creating Ultimate Collaboration
You can go fast alone, but we can go further together! Even the best entrepreneurs, marketers, and business leaders found ultimate success through their ability to collaborate with others. Put these skills into practice and develop this critical 21st-century skill that judges look for in competition will help further your career in this engaging workshop!
Be the ONE:
Financial Trendsetter
Alabama Ballroom D
Monday, February 24
12:15 – 1:00 pm
1:15 – 2:00 pm
2:15 – 3:00 pm
3:15 – 4:00 pm
Be the ONE: Financial Trendsetter
Invest in your future. Attend this session to learn how you can make safe and wise investment decisions for a wealthy future. Your future self will thank you!
The College Cheat Sheet
(What We Wish We Had Known Going Into College)
Alabama Ballroom C
Monday, February 24
12:15 – 1:00 pm
1:15 – 2:00 pm
2:15 – 3:00 pm
3:15 – 4:00 pm
The College Cheat Sheet (What We Wish We Had Known Going Into College)
Take it from two former DECA members who are now college students: there’s so much we wish we had known before starting college. Whether you’re a freshman or about to step into college in a few months, this session is packed with real talk and actionable strategies to help you thrive—not just survive—in college.
State Officer Campaigning
Pre-Function Hall C
Monday, February 24
12:15 – 1:00 pm
1:15 – 2:00 pm
2:15 – 3:00 pm
3:15 – 4:00 pm
State Officer Campaigning
Get to know your 2025-2026 State Officer candidates! Visit their campaign booths to network and get more information.
State President

Brayden Davis
Brayden Davis
I have been involved in Alabama DECA for about 2 years, helping start Leeds High School’s brand new chapter. As the Vice President of Career Development, I have created numerous opportunities such as creating DECA’s first high-school coffee shop, assisting individuals in our chapter to prepare for the business world as well as providing them with insight and support to help them be as successful as possible inside & outside of DECA. With the experience, I plan to do the same thing for Alabama DECA. As president, my goals are simple. I want to make it easier for new & existing chapters to be able to get support for their competitive projects.

Dallas Lewis
Dallas Lewis
My ideal vision for Alabama DECA is to cultivate a unique culture of extensive success and elevate Alabama DECA’s name to the forefront of DECA’s coveted associations, similar to that of Ontario DECA and Texas DECA. I believe that, with the help of my State Action Team, through creating a private member resource network, increasing access to DECA in underserved schools throughout Alabama, and creating incentives that strengthen member retention, we can improve the overall competitive strength and prestige of Alabama DECA. My primary goal is to redefine what it means to be part of this organization and set a groundwork that perpetuates Alabama DECA’s success in time to come.

Madison McNichols
Madison McNichols
My vision for Alabama DECA focuses on growth through quality, not just quantity. Expanding membership means little if current members feel disengaged or unsupported. This year, I aim to prioritize comprehensive training for chapter officers, who serve as the frontline leaders of their chapters. By equipping them with the tools and knowledge to succeed, we can create a ripple effect that enhances the experience for all members. Additionally, I want to foster stronger communication across Alabama DECA, ensuring every member feels connected, supported, and empowered to excel. Together, we’ll build a more engaged and impactful DECA community.

Allisson Mondragon
Allisson Mondragon
Not only a vision but a plan. DECA is more than just a co-curricular activity, its a family. I plan to keep cultivating leaders while allowing them to follow their dreams in the world of business. Where we not only celebrate successes but also struggles in our everyday life. By organizing workshops and mentoring. As a chapter we will help each other grow and reach new heights. Empowering leaders who are confident, creative, and transforming. Ultimately being ambition driven and with the idea of better oneself. Together we will leave a legacy rooted in friendship, leadership, and success both in life and in DECA.
Association Vice President

Jadynn Smith
Jadynn Smith
My Vision for Alabama DECA is to make it the most connected CTSO. I believe that starts with our members. If we host events that could involve a larger number of our members, Alabama DECA could do some amazing things. I would love to achieve this through virtual monthly meetings all Alabama DECA Members could attend. Through these meetings, State Officers could update members on what they have been up to, while members could give feedback on what they would like to see. Overall, I believe this will boost member involvement, and make Alabama DECA stronger and better than ever.

Sai Vajaha
Sai Vajaha
A vision for Alabama DECA would be to extend opportunities for current members or new members to show every student what DECA is and how it can change their lives. When I first joined, I didn’t understand all that DECA had to offer, but through competition, leadership, and networking, I found my passion. I want to extend outreach, host more workshops, and initiate mentorship programs that make new members confident from day one. By making DECA more accessible and engaging, we will be able to develop the next generation of leaders and give every student the tools to succeed.
District 1 Vice President

Hadassah Dorius
Hadassah Dorius
DECA is an organization known for its business-oriented focus. Our organization gives countless opportunities for exposure in this niche, and has helped countless alumni in their future endeavors, providing them a foundation for success. While DECA overachieves in its purpose as a business organization, a sight I hope to see in the near future is more emphasis on the community aspect. As someone who has found a perfect fit in this community by truly tapping into it, I know many who are disconnected and therefor aren’t experiencing the full benefits. I hope to help create this connection. Hope with Hadassah!

Amy Farmer
Amy Farmer
I strive to reach new schools this year as District 1 Vice President. Coming from a small town myself where clubs are a main point, it became known to me that many smaller schools do not have the chance to experience something like DECA. For many smaller schools like my own the funding and the teachers needed to have a business class in school are scarce. I strive to reach each small school from District 1 and show them just how amazing it could be to be a part of DECA.

Ellie Gilliland
Ellie Gilliland
My vision for Alabama DECA is to create a lively community with more involvement from chapters to gain confidence and achieve their full potential. My goal is to increase member engagement by making stronger connections, guaranteeing that all present and future members will feel supported and have motivation to strive to succeed. Furthermore, with the expansion of professional developments, we can include workshops and mentorship opportunities that will help connect members with leaders and gain networking experience. With Alabama DECA’s exposure within schools and communities, we can show the organization’s impact for students and motivate more to join. As a team, we will create growing and innovative DECA chapters to prepare the future leaders who can gain success in the world of business.
District 2 Vice President

Kaylah Brown
Kaylah Brown
My vision for Alabama DECA is to foster a community of innovative, driven, and prepared leaders ready to excel in the business world. To achieve this, I aim to increase member engagement by introducing workshops and networking events aligned with industry trends. I will enhance international competition preparation by organizing virtual and in person practice sessions at ICDC, ensuring Alabama DECA’s success on the international stage. The sessions would consist of advisors and association officers listening to role plays and presentations and critiquing them before competing at ICDC. Together, we can build a dynamic, forward-thinking organization that empowers members to achieve their goals.

Aviona Miller
Aviona Miller
DECA is an organization I’ve gotten the pleasure of being a part of for two years. I think DECA is an impressive organization that is supportive to its members and has a strong message. However, one thing I want DECA to improve on in my district is having more people involved in it. I hadn’t known about DECA until my sophomore year, and many people in my district either knew about it slightly or just didn’t know about it whatsoever. My Vision for DECA is to improve its reach to other schools in my district, so more people can support and be involved in DECA.

Grayson Pewitt
Grayson Pewitt
My vision for Alabama DECA is to continue the growth of membership and participation at conferences. I am committed to motivating members to take the initiative to compete and sharpen their skills for their future. I plan to lead with integrity and set a Christ-like example for Deca members across the state. I am excited to work alongside a team of people who all share common goals to elevate Alabama DECA. I would like to increase community service opportunities so that members can create more impact and demonstrate leadership. My confidence and communication skills have improved a lot just from this year’s involvement and I would love for others to experience those benefits as well.
District 3 Vice President

Blair Kang
Blair Kang
My vision for Alabama DECA starts with expanding its reach to underserved students by chartering new schools. I hope to increase memberships and provide opportunities for students with limited access to business education. Additionally, I propose to offer online workshops that any and all DECA members can join to learn more about the different events offered in this organization like an informational meeting on competitions and what to expect when running for high office to enhance their DECA experience and prepare them for future success. I aim to build a structure of support that extends far beyond my own role.
District 4 Vice President